Working With Miami Tattoo Shops To Design A Custom Tattoo

by | Dec 11, 2014 | Tattoo

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Tattoos can be one of the most personal forms of expression for a man or woman or they can be a fun way to add a unique piece of art to their body. If you just want a cute little star or a four leaf clover then spending a lot of time choosing Miami tattoo shops and tattoo artists is really just a waste of your time.

On the other hand, if you want a custom tattoo that is deeply meaningful or symbolic to you then you need to carefully choose both a shop and an artist. Choosing the shop is important for ensure you are in a facility that is well cared for, licensed and maintained to standards while choosing the artist allows you to take advantage of their natural artistic style.

What Do You Want?

Most people that come into Miami tattoo shops for custom tattoos have a good idea of what they want, at least the central or main component of the tattoo. If you have a picture, graphic or design that you can bring with you that can be very helpful for the artist.

In many cases a tattoo artist will look at your design, ask questions and perhaps make suggestions at that first meeting. You will then come back, or the design will be sent via email, for your review.

Be Honest

It is important to realize that the design that the tattoo artist comes up with is going to be based on the information you provided and his or her artistic and creative expression. It is essential to be open and honest if you are not completely satisfied with some element of the design as ultimately it is you that will have the tattoo and it needs to be one you love.

Not all Miami tattoo shops have artists that can create a beautiful customized tattoo. Shopping around and learning about the featured artists at the various shops is definitely time well spent and will ensure you get just the tattoo you want.

Our artists are waiting to work with you to create the perfect customized tattoo. You can view our artist’s work at the Salvation Tattoo Lounge website, and then call us for your initial design appointment.

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