Why Would a Family Take Their Dog to a Pet Cardiologist in South Jersey?

by | Jun 26, 2015 | Pets

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Seeing a pet in pain is never easier. It can be made even worse by the fact that pets are unable to communicate their situation to their owners, making it tough to figure out exactly what’s wrong. Whenever a pet seems out of sorts or is feeling under the weather, a trip to the veterinarian is in order.

A vet, just like a human’s primary care physician, is the first point of contact for a dog’s medical situation. When it comes to basic health issues, immunizations, and even some emergencies, a veterinarian is there to assess the situation and take care of a dog’s immediate needs. However, in some cases, just like with people, a specialist needs to be called in to provide more insight into the situation.

Signs that a dog could have some type of heart trouble include:

• Shortness of breath
• Fainting or collapsing
• Rapid breathing even at rest
• Coughing
• Weakness or lack of energy

Many times a vet will recommend that a dog see a see a pet cardiologist in South Jersey area if he or she suspects that a pet is suffering from heart disease. Just like a cardiologist that a person would see, a Pet Cardiologist has continued his or her education past veterinary school and continued studying with specialized time in the arena of cardiology. Armed with this knowledge and experience, a specialist can help diagnose a pet’s condition and come up with an effective form of treatment.

A Pet Cardiologist in South Jersey can check on a dog’s blood pressure and listen to his or her breathing to get a better idea of the symptoms. From there, a chest radiograph or even a cardiac ultrasound can be issued to show the condition of the heart and in some cases, what specific parts of the heart are affected. Once the diagnosis has been made, the pet cardiologist and the pet’s veterinarian will work together to provide the best possible care for the dog.

If a vet suspects that heart disease or a heart condition has affected a dog, it is important that the pet be seen by a cardiologist as soon as possible The sooner his or her condition is diagnosed, the sooner effective treatment can begin.

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