Why Each Dentistry in Winlock Wa Promotes Brushing

by | Apr 13, 2017 | Dentistry

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If a person does not want to have “rotten” teeth, he or she should follow a specific brushing regimen every day. Why are brushing and flossing important tasks? As any Dentistry in Winlock Wa will tell you, it stops bacteria from spreading while also promoting awesome dental health. Here are some reasons to brush at least twice a day for two minutes.


The bacteria in each mouth, more precisely bacteria between the gum and the tooth, attack the enamel and can further damage a person’s teeth. It is, therefore, necessary to brush your teeth three times a day-;morning, noon, and evening-;to eliminate the bacteria.


Tartar is formed when plaque, food debris, and saliva all play a role. This can cause issues like gum disease, inflammation, or periodontal disease. To limit the appearance of tartar, it is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice daily. To remove the tartar completely, people must visit their local Dentistry in Winlock Wa. The dentist will then do a scaling, something which needs to happen every six months.

Gums and fresh breath

Brushing the gums from top to bottom is helpful when trying to remove bacteria. This is one of the best ways to protect your mouth. To maintain fresh breath, brushing and flossing are musts. These two simple tasks can help eliminate the bacteria that causes bad breath.


Cavities are considered a demineralization of the tooth, which materializes as a “hole” that sits on the top or the side of the tooth. To avoid this, people must brush their teeth with fluoride twice daily. In fact, many dentists tell their patient to floss at least once daily and use mouthwash whenever they can. The fluoride in toothpaste helps to protect the teeth, to strengthen each tooth’s enamel, and prevent the appearance of decay.

Dental diseases can have different origins: some are local (oral cavity) and others more distant (sinus, articulation of the jaw, face, etc.). For each cause, different levels of pain will appear, depending on the person. When the softened part of the enamel starts to get too close to the nerve, the tooth will first become sensitive to hot and cold. Seeing a dentist is a must at this stage.

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