When to Seek Help for Infertility in San Antonio, TX

by | Dec 24, 2014 | Articles

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When you’re trying to get pregnant, every day can seem like an eternity. Month after month, you’re met with disappointment when all you’re thinking about is holding a beautiful little baby in your arms. Getting pregnant takes time, and every woman is different. When is Mother Nature taking her sweet time and when is it time to seek professional help with Infertility in San Antonio TX?

There are several factors that may cause a couple to seek assistance for infertility. Some of the most common factors that a doctor will consider are:

      *      If a woman is under the age of 35 and has been unable to get pregnant after at least a year of regular and unprotected intercourse.

      *      If a woman has had three or more miscarriages.

      *      If a woman suffers from endometriosis or a blockage of her fallopian tubes.

      *      If a woman ovulates irregularly.

      *      If a couple has a risk factor such as genital infection or undescended testicles.

      *      If a man has a low sperm count or sperm structure.

Any woman concerned about infertility can start doing her own fertility assessment in the comfort of her own home. Many women choose to use a group of activities called fertility awareness methods. By using these methods, a woman can assess whether she is ovulating regularly. The tasks include charting the woman’s basal body temperature, tracking any cyclical changes in cervical position, and monitoring changes in the amount of cervical mucus. While these tasks can help a woman determine whether she has indeed already ovulated, they are not a predictor of the time when a woman is fertile.

It’s also important to remember that not all fertility issues are related to the woman. Male issues account for almost half of all infertility cases in couples. A doctor can perform a simple test to gauge a man’s sperm count and other factors. Because male fertility tests are much less invasive, they are much less expensive than female infertility tests. Starting the fertility diagnostic process by having a simple male fertility screening is the most cost-effective and easy way to begin to uncover fertility issues in a couple. If you are suffering from Infertility in San Antonio TX, Visit the Fertility Institute of Texas.


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