When to Invest in a Storm Shelter Above Ground

by | Jul 12, 2024 | Safety Equipment Supplier

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When it comes to protecting your family and property from severe weather events, investing in a storm shelter can provide invaluable peace of mind and safety. While underground storm shelters are a traditional choice, above-ground storm shelters offer unique advantages that may suit your needs better. Here are key situations where it makes sense to invest in a storm shelter above ground:

Accessibility Concerns

Above-ground storm shelters are ideal if you or your family members have mobility challenges or disabilities. Unlike underground shelters, which may require stairs or ramps for access, above-ground models can often be accessed more easily, making them suitable for everyone, including elderly family members or those with limited mobility.

Quick Installation

If you live in an area prone to severe weather and need immediate protection, a storm shelter above ground can be installed more quickly than underground alternatives. They typically require less excavation and can often be anchored to a concrete foundation or slab, reducing installation time and disruption to your property.

Limited Yard Space

For homeowners with smaller yards or properties where underground installation is not feasible due to space constraints or soil conditions, above-ground storm shelters offer a practical solution. These shelters can be placed in a convenient location on your property without the need for extensive excavation.

Rental Properties

If you live in a rental property or plan to move in the future, a storm shelter above ground offers flexibility. Unlike underground shelters, which are fixed installations, above-ground models can be relocated to a new property if needed, providing portable protection wherever you go.

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