What You Should Know about Cosmetic Dentistry for Kids in Chino

by | Sep 8, 2015 | Dentistry

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The first question you might have is probably a simple one: what is cosmetic dentistry for kids? Simply put, it is the discipline of altering the appearance and alignment of teeth instead of simply the function. Instead of focusing on filling cavities or repairing chipped teeth, this section of the field is the one concerned with facades, caps, crowns, and braces. While children’s teeth are typically not permanent until early adolescence, establishing a routine of dentist visits is incredibly important.

When to Start

Most dentists will recommend that the child’s first visit occur within about six months of the appearance of the first tooth or by the child’s first birthday. This ensures that the parent begins to establish good dental practices. Also, allowing a professional to inspect the first teeth helps the parent to know if he or she is handling the child’s teeth properly. Early detection of signs of tooth decay can help stop it from spreading. Also, when a child still has his or her impermanent teeth, poor dental hygiene can be remedied with better care of the permanent teeth. Once the permanent teeth come in, the options become more limited. Enamel does not grow back, and teeth do not repair themselves, so the damage is typically permanent.


For many people, the dentist’s office is a scary place. They think of drills and picks and frightening tools. This can be reinforced by unfavorable fiction and media. These portrayals are very likely to affect the feelings of a child. That’s why cosmetic dentistry for kids in Chino all the way to New York is so devoted to combatting those negative images. Maintaining good oral hygiene, healthy habits, and an attractive smile are so essential to healthy living. An unfounded fear of the dentist will only hinder a child’s health.

For that reason, it is incredibly important to get a child to a dentist early in his or her life. That way, the child will begin to develop positive associations with the dentist. Those who specialize in cosmetic dentistry for kids are fully aware of the negative image of dentists. That is why they are so skilled at dispelling these ideas, putting children at ease, and painlessly addressing their dental health needs.

Pacifier Habits

In addition to establishing positive associations with dentists, an early visit to a professional will inform the parent of the child’s pacifier and thumb habits. Many children suck on their thumbs or a pacifier, and the habit can affect the teeth and gums. Only a professional can tell you if your child is altering the shape of the teeth and gums with the habit. The doctor can also assess the risk of future injury to the teeth.

Most dentists will recommend that the child’s first visit occur within about six months of the appearance of the first tooth or by the child’s first birthday. For more details contact us Website URL

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