What to Expect From an Acupuncturist in Lake Oswego, OR

by | Feb 22, 2018 | Health Care

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Acupuncture can be somewhat controversial. The evidence that it is an effective treatment for pain and nausea is somewhat mixed. There are studies that indicate it does not work and others that indicate it does. However, most research leans towards acupuncture being an effective treatment for different ailments. Also, most acupuncture patients will report reduced pain or nausea after treatment from a talented acupuncturist. If you have pain or nausea, you should see a doctor who works with acupuncture techniques. You should be aware of the nocebo effect, though.

The Nocebo Effect

The nocebo effect is a clinical condition in which someone expects negative outcomes or a lack of outcome. That expectation then results in them experiencing the negative outcomes they expected. For example, if someone expects that they will experience side effects from medication, they are more likely to experience that side effect. This happens even if the medication they are given is a placebo. This is the nocebo effect, and it’s been found to be statistically significant for acupuncture. Those who believe that an acupuncturist in Lake Oswego, OR will not be effective are less likely to report positive results.

If you are looking for a great treatment and you keep an open mind, you can find very effective treatment from Spire Holistic Health. They offer many different types of treatment that can help you.

Different Treatments

The most common treatments from an acupuncturist are treatments for pain and nausea. Chronic pain can be treated with acupuncture because the acupuncture will increase blood flow and pain killing endorphins flowing to different sites. It can also treat nausea because nausea is often caused by imbalances that can be addressed by a change in fluid levels in your body. For example, increasing blood flow to the stomach and around the stomach can help treat nausea.

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