The last thing that you want to see is weeds growing on your property. This is true whether they are growing in your yard, in your garden or coming up through cracks in your driveway. The good news is that scheduling a monthly or yearly lawn spraying in Oklahoma City, OK, can help to keep weeds at bay.
What About the Grass?
While many lawn spraying in Oklahoma City, OK, companies will use chemicals to get rid of weeds, this doesn’t have to happen on your property. There are natural ways to kill weeds without killing your grass. It is also possible to use targeted spraying methods to ensure that the grass doesn’t interact with toxic materials.
What About Your Pets?
It is a good idea to keep your animals inside for a few hours after chemicals are applied. If you use natural materials, it may be possible to let them out as soon as the job is completed. Generally speaking, once a pesticide or similar material has dried, it poses little or no threat to your animal’s health. However, it is still a good idea to monitor your pet for any unusual health symptoms for a few days after the lawn has been sprayed.
How Often Does a Lawn Need to be Treated?
Typically, treatments can last for several days to several weeks depending on weather conditions and the type of weed that is in your yard. It also depends on what type of spray was used and the amount that was sprayed in a given area. You also have to consider how tolerant you are to future weed growth. If you can’t stand a single weed on your property, it may be necessary to have your lawn sprayed every week. However, if you don’t mind a few weeds poking through every so often, a monthly or seasonal spraying may suffice.
Learn more about Lawn Spraying in Oklahoma City OK.
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