What Causes Hemorrhoids?

by | Sep 24, 2014 | Beauty Salon and Products

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There are many myths and misunderstandings out there about the actual causes of hemorrhoids. This causes confusion for many people and, in some cases, may actually make people less likely to seek help from specialists that can treat and cure the problem.

Hemorrhoids are actually veins in the rectum, especially near the anus, that swell and bulge due to stretching, aging and other factors. However, some people are more prone to develop hemorrhoids than others. There are also lifestyle choices that people make which can create even greater risk for developing the condition. Some factors, such as genetics, are out of the individual’s control but being aware of that factor can help you proactively seek help if you see the early signs of hemorrhoids.

Bowel Movement Habits

There are several tendencies, or personal habits, that people develop which creates a greater likelihood of developing hemorrhoids. One behavior that is particularly problematic is not going to the bathroom when you feel the need to relieve yourself. Going to the bathroom immediately when you feel the need is healthier for your bowels.

Constipation and Straining

Problems with chronic constipation and then straining to have a bowel movement will increase the pressure in the lower section of the bowel. This in turn puts more pressure down and out on the veins, leading to increased stretching and possible protrusion from the anus.

Eating a high fiber diet, lots of raw vegetables and fruits, and taking a natural fiber supplement can often correct this problem. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water can also be highly beneficial.

However, taking laxatives is not recommended. Chronic diarrhea may actually contribute to hemorrhoids as well as other metabolic and digestive health issues.


Sitting for long periods of time at a desk at work or around the home contributes to the risk of developing hemorrhoids for those people that may have a genetic predisposition to the condition. Standing and moving around whenever possible, as well as daily exercise can help.

Controlling some of the lifestyle issues that may be contributing to hemorrhoids may allow you to manage the condition without the need for further treatment. However, there are a range of treatment options to consider that are minimally invasive, safe and highly effective.

If you are experiencing problems with hemorrhoids let us help.

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