Ways to Prevent Future Onset of Vein Disease

by | Dec 8, 2014 | Health

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When you suffer from poor blood circulation in your veins, it can lead to a myriad of other health problems. Venous diseases in the legs can lead to swelling, ulcers and redness that cause discomfort or pain when walking. Older people are at a higher risk of having venous diseases, but people who struggle with obesity may also have premature onset of vein disease. Even if you currently have no problems with your veins, it is wise to take steps to prevent future problems. However, if you already struggle in some way with vein issues, whether cosmetic or medical, there are still ways to correct current and prevent future problems.

Vein Removal for Current Venous Disease

Veins that are already causing you a problem probably need to be removed. Your doctor will recommend the right type of procedure, from spider vein removal to an ambulatory phlebectomy, to help remove the problematic veins and restore optimal blood circulation. When you remove problematic veins, it causes the blood to reroute and flow through healthy veins. This rerouting of the blood is what will help you feel better and walk without discomfort.

Exercise and Diet

If you want to avoid spider vein removal or some other form of vein surgery in the future, then pay attention to your diet and exercise regimen. Obesity puts pressure on the legs and feet, preventing optimal blood circulation and stressing out the veins. You don’t have to be a fitness professional to reap the benefits of daily exercise and a diet low in sodium and high in fiber. If you do undergo vein surgery, ask your doctor to recommend the best diet and exercise plan for you after surgery so you can prevent future problems.

Elevate Your Legs and Wear Compression Stockings

To help keep blood flowing to the heart, try to elevate your legs a little bit each day. People suffering from vein trouble should try to keep their legs and feet elevated for a few hours each day. If you’re pregnant, you may wish to wear compression stockings to help prevent the onset of varicose veins and help with blood flow during pregnancy. Older patients can also take advantage of stocking therapy to help with vein management.

If you’d like more information about spider vein removal, varicose vein surgery, or preventative measures for venous disease, visit Chicago vein institute.

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