Ways Professional Air Conditioning Contractors in Naples, FL can Help Determine if a Unit should be Repaired or Replaced

by | Nov 15, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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One of the most difficult decisions you may need to make about your home’s air conditioning system is whether to spend more money on repairs or simply have the whole unit replaced. Trying to make this decision will often be difficult to make on your own. In such cases, you should speak to professional air conditioning contractors in Naples, FL before making a final decision.

Many times when a unit stops working, it may need expensive repairs. While the repairs are expensive, they generally will not be as high as purchasing a new unit. However, this does not always mean the repairs are a good choice. In many cases, they are not worth the investment.

One of the first things you should consider about your air conditioning system is its age. Most systems are designed to last 12 to 15 years. While some units can last much longer, it is generally not typical. If you unit is nearing the end of its expected lifespan and is already needing expensive repairs, this can be a bad sign.

Another issue to consider is how effective the system is at cooling the home. Many times as units begin to age, they will not work as well. Often there will be spots in the home where the temperature is too cold or too hot. This type of issue can be difficult to troubleshoot and often it may not be fixable.

You should also consider how cost effective your current system is operating. New units are designed to be more energy efficient and this may result in great cost savings to you. To best determine how well you unit compares, you may need to hire professional air conditioning contractors in Naples, FL to do a system analysis of your unit and your home as well. Often this will provide you with a great deal of information to help you in making your decision.

Having an air conditioning system, which is not running well and needing frequent repairs can be a difficult issue to deal with. While replacing the unit may be expensive, sometimes it will offer the best value overall.

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