When you’re shopping for your favorite cuts of meat, you thankfully have a wide range of options. You can choose steak, pork or chicken, for instance, and you can purchase packages of varying sizes to meet your family’s needs. If you have carnivores such as snakes or birds to feed, the right company will offer frozen rodents according to the same standard—providing you with a wide range of rodent options and quantities to accommodate your request.
A reputable company that sells frozen rodents will give you various options for your animals. For instance, you can choose to purchase frozen mice, frozen rats or even frozen African soft- furred rats. Mice are generally smaller than rats and thus are appropriate for smaller animals. Meanwhile, soft-furred rats are excellent for getting ball pythons to eat, as these snakes are particularly picky with their food. You can feed the soft-furred rats to other reptiles too.
Size Options
The soft-furred rats come in different sizes, ranging from small ones that are similar to rat pups in size, medium ones that mirror weaned rats and large ones that resemble small rats. Their weights range from 20 grams to 89 grams. Meanwhile, different types of frozen mice are available on the market, including a small pinky mouse that is a gram in size or a jumbo mouse that is 50 grams in size. Likewise, frozen rats are available in a 3-gram pinky size or even a 400-gram colossal size, depending on your specific needs. A helpful company will guide you in choosing the right sized rodents for your particular carnivores.
Quality Companies
A solid company that provides frozen rodents will offer products of the highest quality. The business should clean its animals regularly and house them on quality bedding, such as aspen bedding. In addition, the rodents should be able to easily access fresh air and drinking water and be given attention from staff around the clock. When you purchase your rodents, the right company will make sure that you are receive rodents that are correctly sized as well as packaged as best as possible. Customer service should be the company’s No. 1 priority.
PerfectPrey.com in Florida provides frozen rats and mice for your carnivores. To find out more about how the company can meet your animal’s feeding needs, visit website