Transplanting A Young Fruit Tree And Maintaining A Tree’s Health With The Help Of A Tree Service In Norwich, CT

by | Dec 22, 2016 | Home and Garden

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If a young fruit tree has yellowing leaves and is not growing in a normal manner due to lack of sunlight, transplanting the tree to another portion of a piece of property can be helpful. The following steps can be completed to successfully dig up a tree from its current location and move it a new area.


*    spade

*    small shovel

*    vinyl tarp

*    flexible measuring tape

*    water hose

*    fertilizer

*    mulch

Removing A Root System

A tarp should be placed near the area where a tree is currently located. A spade or small shovel can be used to loosen soil from a tree’s base. Care needs to be taken so a tree’s roots are not damaged by a spade or shovel tip. When a tree’s trunk feels wobbly and can be moved back and forth with ease, grabbing it with both hands and pulling upwards will remove a root system from the ground. A tree can be laid on a vinyl tarp and dragged to a new location by grasping a tarp’s corners.

Planting A Tree In A New Location

Once a section of property that receives plenty of sunlight is located, a hole will need to be dug that is deep and wide enough to hold the tree’s root system. To determine how large to make a hole, a flexible measuring tape can be wrapped around the base of a tree and along the length of its root system. Roots should be placed carefully in a hole. While holding onto a tree’s trunk, shovelfuls of dirt should be added to a hole.

Once a hole is full, the soil can be flattened with the back of a spade. Fertilizer can be added to the soil if it is needed. After a tree’s base is watered, a layer of mulch can be applied to soil in order to improve the appearance of a piece of property. Mulch will also prevent weeds from growing near a tree and will help the soil retain moisture.

A tree will thrive in a new location as long as it receives plenty of sunlight and is watered occasionally. Dunns Tree Service or another tree service in Norwich, CT can be hired to assist with maintaining the health of a tree. A tree service in Norwich, CT will prune a tree and administer pesticide products so a tree’s bark and leaves remain healthy.

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