Top Reasons Why You Should Consider Dental Implants in Pleasanton

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Dentist

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There are plenty of people out there who are missing one or more teeth, and this might be something that you’re dealing with, too. If this is the case, now is a good time for you to look into dental implants in Pleasanton. These are a few top reasons why dental implants might be worth your consideration.

They Look and Feel Natural

You might have thought about getting dentures, and it’s true that dentures are a popular option among many people who are missing multiple teeth. However, even though they have come a long way over the years, dentures simply don’t look as natural as dental implants. Dental implants also have a more natural feel; you don’t have to worry about them sliding around, nor do you have to worry about them impacting what you can eat. At least, this is the case after you have fully healed. If you’re hoping for a more natural look and feel, dental implants may be your best option.

They Can Be Used on One or Multiple Teeth

If you are missing just one or two teeth, dentures probably aren’t really an option for you. On the other hand, dental implants can be used if you’re missing just one or two teeth. On the other hand, they are also an option if you are missing multiple teeth.

As you can see, there are a variety of reasons why it’s likely worth it for you to consider dental implants in Pleasanton. Contact Pleasanton Dentist, Dr. Mona Gokani to find out more about dental implants.

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