Top 3 Reason to Hire a Disability Lawyer in Rochester NY

by | Nov 10, 2022 | Lawyer

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Many people are unsure why they should hire a disability lawyer Rochester NY. Filing for Social Security disability benefits can be a confusing and stressful task. Below are the top three reasons why it is beneficial to hire a disability lawyer.

Knowledge of What is Required

A disability lawyer has the experience and the knowledge required to help their client through the process. The lawyer will be able to help their client through the application process. They can answer any questions and explain the answers in a way that is easily understood by anyone. Knowing which forms are required and meeting all the deadlines is another way the disability lawyer in Rochester NY can be helpful. They will take care of the paper work and ensure that every form is filed in a timely fashion according to the guidelines laid out by the Social Security Administration.

Evidence Collection

The disability lawyer will know what forms of evidence they will need to help them get a positive judgment for their client. This can include talking to witnesses and gathering medical reports that will help during the disability hearing. They will also know any extra steps that can be taken to help prove that their client is truly suffering from a disabling condition.

Proper and Fair Representation at any Hearings

The disability lawyer in Rochester NY will have experience that will allow them to fairly represent their client. They will know how and when to present specific witnesses and evidence during the hearing. They will also take the time to prepare their client for what will be expected of them at the hearing. This can include going over questions that may be asked of them during the hearing.

A disability lawyer will also be able to explain how the hearing will work and answer any questions their client may have before it start. Having a Social Security disability lawyer can help speed up the process to where a judgment is awarded quicker than if someone went into the hearing with no representation. While each case is different, these three reasons should be considered by everyone that is going to file for Social Security Disability benefits.

In case if you need any help from disability lawyer in Rochester NY, contact Antonowicz Group, their team of lawyers will provide all the assistance you need.

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