Tips On What Insurance Companies Are Looking For From Personal Injury Lawyers

by | Sep 22, 2016 | Lawyers

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Unfortunately, when you’re dealing with an insurance company that has done you wrong, you’re also going to be up against a team of professional lawyers who deal with claims all the time. Nonetheless, as long as you avoid the common pitfalls that help insurance companies discredit cases with the assistance of your attorney, you can potentially experience a win.

1. Get Your Evidence and Documentation Straight
According to the DMV, hiring an accident lawyer is especially beneficial for people who have experienced severe injuries, are dealing with high medical bills, and have suffered loss of income due to the injuries. An insurance company you’re going up against in court will be looking for ways to disprove your claims. The best way to combat this is to sit down with your attorney and go over each and every piece of evidence you have that backs up your claims. For example, you should have documentation of your inability to work, or the actual medical bills issued by the hospital. Insurance companies looking to discredit you and prove your case has no merit will be looking for holes in your documentation. Your lawyer is there to act as an advocate throughout the process, but you need to be the one to give them the substance to fight back with.

2. Nitpicking and Legalese
One of the easiest ways for an insurance company to deny you benefits and escape culpability is to pick through legalese you might have missed since you’re not a lawyer. Filing certain paperwork on time, seeing a doctor within a particular timeframe, or submitting documentation of specific things are all underhanded ways that insurance companies escape responsibility. You will need to go through all of these details with your lawyer carefully. Make sure you have all of your filing complete and on time, and you can avoid the nitpicking that ends up acting as a downfall for many plaintiffs.

If you need a personal injury insurance lawyer Jacksonville has many options to choose from. Log onto Shuster & Saben’s website as a starting point to discover useful information and the basics of what you can expect from a personal injury lawsuit.

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