Tips For Buying Safe Chews For Puppies

by | Jun 6, 2018 | Pets

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Taking care to buy the best products for puppies is important. Even more than adult dogs, puppies can have sensitive digestive systems, and they are also more likely to have digestive problems with specific types of foods and materials.

For this reason, many vets, breeders and puppy owner choose to buy safe chews for puppies. They avoid the chews which have limited nutritional value or those which contain potentially problematic ingredients.

To help find the best options in safe chews for puppies, here are three important factors to consider whenever you are making a purchase.

Rawhide-Free Products

Rawhide is part of the tanning industry and is actually a thin inner layer of the hide. This inner layer of the hide has no nutritional value and, if not made into rawhide chews, it is considered waste.

To create rawhide chews it is often processed, bleached and then formed, based, stuffed, flavored and smoked. Without this heavy processing, dogs would not eat the product.

Additionally, up to 15% of the rawhide, a puppy swallows will still be undigested in 24 hours. This poses a risk of digestive upsets and potentially very serious blockages.

Correct Size

No matter how healthy, it is important when selecting safe chews for puppies to get the right size. Chews that are too small can be easily swallowed, which then poses a choking risk for the puppy. When in doubt, choose a slightly bigger size and always monitor the puppy when he or she is enjoying the chew.

Fully Consumable

By choosing chews made from nutritious, tasty products like baked pork skin, milk, peanut butter and real chicken, your puppy will love to eat the entire chew. With levels of digestibility of up to 99.9%, this means them a very healthy and safe option for any weaned puppy and adult dog.

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