Things Your Staff Should Know

by | Nov 15, 2013 | Security

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In the event of a fire in your workplace, do you know what to do? Do all your employees know where to assemble? Do they know what extinguishers apply to what class of hazards? As an employer, you should ensure your employees understand the fire safety in London procedures. It is your duty to teach your staff about the various procedures. Here are a few things they should know.

Relevant Training
Your staff need to know who their fire marshals are and how they can be contacted in the event of a fire. The Regulatory Reform Order 2005 states it is up to you as the responsible person to ensure your premises are up to the standards set up. It is also your responsibility to ensure your employees have the appropriate training to understand the relevant procedures.

The Right Knowledge
This training should be carried out as part of the induction. This should cover general awareness of fire procedures, class of hazards, identifying the various extinguishers and which class of fires they should be used to tackle. The induction training should be followed up by refresher training sessions. It is essential that employees have this training so that they know what to do in the event of a fire; this includes knowing evacuation procedures and assembly points. Regular fire drills should be carried out on a regular basis and employees know when a basic fire alarm test is been carried out.

Training Others
There are training sessions that are conducted for the responsible person[s] to have the adequate knowledge to train others, including training for fire wardens to learn to carry out adequate fire risk assessments, checking fire extinguishers to ascertain if they are in working order, and if they are not working, what steps they need to take to rectify the situation.

Health And Safety
It is in the interests of the responsible person to ensure employees understand the safety regulations as set out in the Health and Safety Act. The employer has a legal duty to ensure that they do everything in their power to protect the health and safety of their employees. This might be carried out by providing staff with the adequate training to make informed decisions and or providing employees with written health and safety policies.

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