The Signs Your Tree Needs Tree Service in Westport, Connecticut

by | Jul 4, 2014 | Landscaping

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Healthy trees are an asset to many gardens. But like the garden itself, trees need to be taken care of to stay healthy. Often, there are signs that a tree is suffering from an illness. If treated quickly, most trees will recover. You also need to treat these signs quickly to prevent the spread of disease to other healthy trees.

One of the signs that you need tree service in Westport Connecticut is the loss of leaves not due to the weather change that happens in the fall. If your tree is losing leaves in the early spring or during the summer months, then your tree is in desperate need of some attention from an expert. A tree that cannot maintain its foliage during the prime growing season is not growing. Instead, it is dying. Get this tree treated quickly to prevent the loss of too many leaves.

Another sign that your tree is becoming sick is seeing a lot of insects such as ants crawling up and down the tree. This is usually a sign of an infestation of aphids. This is usually easily treated. But if left alone for too long, all of the insects can cause major damage to the tree. Fortunately, many trees can recover from an infestation. You should also have Northeast Horticultural Services to check the other trees to make sure the infestation has not spread.

Odd discoloration or scale growth is another sign that you need Tree Service in Westport Connecticut. This is a sign that some foreign entity has attached itself to your tree. It could be due to a fungus or a bacteria. It may take a deeper analysis to find out the cause of the disease so that proper treatment can be applied. Sometimes, these diseases can spread easily. So, it is important to get treatment quickly to minimize the damage done.

Trees are a valuable commodity in your yard. But they can sometimes become sick. If you see any of these signs, you need to call in the experts quickly. Fast treatment may prevent the tree from dying and help prevent the spread of disease that can take out other trees in your yard.

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