The Importance of Routine AC Compressor Checks in Fort Myers, FL

by | Feb 12, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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For most residential HVAC systems, one of the most important aspects of the system is the compressor unit. The compressor unit is what holds the refrigerant, which is key to the generation of cold air provided be a residential HVAC system. However, there are many things that can cause the compressor to work inefficiently or fail altogether. In a city like Fort Myers, Florida that receives a lot of warm temperatures and humidity throughout the year, making sure the HVAC system is working in tip-top shape is essential. That’s why routine AC Compressor Checks in Fort Myers FL is so beneficial.

Routine Checkups

The first thing that needs to be taken into account is that a compressor check should take place at least once a year. Some people may choose to have their HVAC system inspected every six months, especially given the heavy usage that a residential air conditioning system may get year-round in this part of Florida. However, whether the system is inspected once a year or twice a year, it will be important to have these inspections to make sure that all facets of the HVAC system are working as they should.

The Abuse a Compressor Takes

The compressor is typically housed in an outside unit. This means that it’s going to be exposed to the outdoor elements, which in the city like Fort Myers can be rather significant. High levels of sunlight, heat, humidity and stormy weather can take its toll on a compressor unit. Fortunately, these units have been designed to be rather rugged. However, being exposed to these elements can cause corrosion of the compressor unit and more commonly, the fittings connecting the compressor unit to supply and return lines could begin to wear out over time. This can cause the compressor to leak refrigerant.

There is a lot of potential issues that can pop up in routine AC Compressor Checks in Fort Myers FL. Some of these issues are simple to fix, and other issues could result in having to replace an old compressor with a new unit, which can be fairly expensive. In any instance, if you have ignored inspecting your AC unit, especially the compressor unit, you may want to find more information on the quality HVAC service that can perform these inspections and make repairs as needed as soon as possible.

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