If you have been instructed that you need to acquire SR22 auto insurance, this means that you have had your driving privileges revoked for some reason. While it typically is due to a DUI, there are many other driving violations that can cause a need for this particular type of insurance. However, there are many strong reasons why cheap SR 22 insurance in Illinois is something you will want to purchase.
First off, if you have any hope of getting your driving license reinstated, you will need to purchase and carry SR 22 insurance. It will be confirmed by the insurance company that you choose and presented to the court for verification. This is a huge step in getting your driving privileges back.
If you get into an accident, the insurance will provide financial coverage to the other party in the event they are injured or their vehicle is damaged. Without this insurance backing you, there is a possibility that you could be sued for much more money than you have access to. It is also the law to carry some form of auto insurance, so driving without it could land you in jail.
While this type of cheap SR 22 insurance in Illinois is more expensive than traditional options, it is generally removed, and you become eligible for regular car insurance after a pre-determined number of years of incident-free driving. This sets you on the path of saving money and being able to drive without worry.
If you are interested in learning more about this type of auto insurance, please contact Insured ASAP Insurance Agency.