The Importance of Annual Exams at an Eye Care Center in Temecula CA

by | Jun 24, 2024 | Optometrist

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Did you know that adults should visit an Eye Care Center in Temecula CA every year for an annual exam? While most people who need corrective lenses for their eyes make a point to schedule their yearly appointment, many people who have good vision neglect these important checkups. It’s during these routine examinations that an optometrist can detect and treat eye diseases before they become a problem.

Glaucoma is one of the most common eye diseases that is discovered during an eye examination. It is caused by excessive pressure in the eye, and it is the number one cause of blindness in adults. While glaucoma is usually diagnosed in the elderly, it can affect people of any age. Once vision has been lost to this disease, it cannot be restored. There is no cure for glaucoma, however, simple medications, such as prescription eye drops, are often enough to stop further vision loss. A simple pressure test during an annual eye exam is all that is needed to detect glaucoma.

A yearly visit to an eye doctor can also reveal problems of the retina. Holes in the retina are very common. These small tears rarely cause any symptoms, but if they are left untreated, they can lead to retinal detachment. As the retina begins to detach, the patient may see flashes of lights, have an increased amount of floaters, or experience blindness. Luckily, retinal tears are often repairable with laser surgery. Of course, the earlier the problem is caught, the better the prognosis.

Cataracts are often seen in older patients. In fact, most people experience minor cataracts as they age. This condition affects the lens of the eye. Patients with cataracts often experience blurry vision, and they may complain of a constant fog in their line of vision. Not all cataracts need to be treated; however, if the cataracts become large, they can be cured with surgery.

Sight is a sense that many people take for granted. Unfortunately, eye diseases can lead to permanent blindness if they are not promptly diagnosed and treated. Visiting a local eye care center in Temecula CA every year for a simple exam is the best way to maintain and protect your sight. Even those with perfect vision should have their eyes examined annually by an optometrist.

Visit Temecula Eye Center Optometry to make an appointment and checkout their Yelp profile for more information.

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