The Importance of a Clean HVAC Filter in Charleston, South Carolina

by | May 5, 2022 | Heating & Air Conditioning

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An HVAC system is an integral part of the functionality of a home to ensure that the air quality is good. Many indoor air pollutants can quickly cause issues for those who live in the house.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants
Several indoor air pollutants can cause the air in the home to be of poor quality. These pollutants include:

• Dust and dirt. Dust and dirt can become airborne, causing breathing issues for people that live in the home.

• Pollen. Pollen can cause allergy symptoms. Pollen can enter the home through open windows and on people that come into the residence.

• VOC. VOCs, come from aerosol cans, air fresheners, and cleaners. These are known cancer risks and lung irritants.

Ensuring Indoor Air Quality is Good
To ensure that the indoor air qualit Charleston HVAC y is excellent, clean and change the air filters frequently in Charleston HVAC systems. They will also need to confirm they’re sized correctly. If any air gets around the filter, this can let pollutants go throughout the house. If the filter becomes clogged, it can cause the indoor air quality to be poor. Homeowners should replace their air filters monthly. Some heating and air conditioning systems will have more than one filter, so a homeowner needs to find the location of all the filters.

At Smoak’s Comfort Control, they provide HVAC repair, replacement, and maintenance in Charleston, SC, and ensure that the air quality in the home is excellent. For more information, please call or visit

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