It is interesting to note that all the major, or some may say dominant, world religious talk about end times or end-time. News today often reflects very specific events that are prophesized in the Bible, leading to the understanding that end times may be approaching.
End-Time News in Religions
Another interesting fact is that not only do all religious mention end-time news and events, but they also all talk about specific signs that will occur to allow humanity to know that the end times are approaching. There are very detailed timelines and predictions made as to the specific date of the last day, but the truth is that no one can predict when the specific end times will be upon the world. However, predictions in end-time news continue with many religious leaders coming forward and making predictions that often coincide with important events or dates.
Where to Find Accurate End-Time News
It is important for everyone to stay aware of end-time news as this is not a negative time for the true believer but a very positive time that includes the rapture, rewards for being a faithful servant and a true, enteral relationship when a new heaven and a new Earth will be ushered in by Christ for all believers.
However, many of the end-time news sites are designed to focus in on the aspects of the end times that talk about the arrival to power of the Antichrist and the tribulations and terrible events that will happen during those days.
Finding accurate information that portrays end-time news not as some gory horror movie from Hollywood but rather as part of the teachings of the bible can be difficult. Look for websites that provide information from respected Christian leaders and scholars and not those that are trying to be sensationalists.
There are very balanced end-time news websites, radio programs and videos that can provide Christians accurate and biblical teachings about this time that is yet to come. These teachings do not include the interpretations or assumptions of the person writing or presenting the information, rather they are based on the bible and what is written about the subject from the earliest signs to the beginning of the New Jerusalem.
Looking for websites that provide accurate information and end-time news from respected Christian leaders?