The Advantages Of An Automatic Hand Dryer

by | Oct 6, 2017 | Business

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Washing your hands, especially after a visit to the “facilities,” is by far the best way to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Nothing to it; quick and easy and yet this simple task safeguards you against diseases that frequent such places as stores, office buildings, elevators, etc. Hand washing is something that obviously be carried out after a visit to the restroom, it should also precede food preparation, after sneezing or blowing your nose.

Washing hands is quite simple; soap, water and a little elbow grease, now comes the next stage which is effective drying. When you use the restroom outside of your home the best solution is an automatic hand dryer.

There are a few reasons why this is so:

Environment: Other than a hand dryer, the other solution for drying hands in a public restroom is paper towels. Paper towels do the job, that is a given, but there is a price to pay. Paper towels require trees and after a single use, they head straight to a landfill site. This is certainly not the case when you employ automatic hand dryers; there is no destruction of natural resources nor is there a problem with disposal.

Cost effective: Although an automatic hand dryer may cost more than a paper towel dispenser, it does not require costly consumables. There is no need to buy paper towels and no need to store them and dispose of them. Many studies have been done, with the cost of a single sheet of paper toweling set at about one cent; the cost of operation is far more than the small power consumption required to dry hands using a hand dryer.

Hygienic: An automatic hand dryer is extremely hygienic; there is no need to touch the machine nor is there any unwanted waste which cannot be said for paper towels.

Since 1952, American Dryer has been a leading manufacturer of hand dryers. Click here to buy online from one of American Dryers authorized distributors

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