Taking the Next Step: Senior Living near Novi, MI

by | May 21, 2024 | Senior Living

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There may come a time in life where a loved one is in need of more care than you can provide. When that happens, there is only one direction to take things in order to provide a better quality of living.

Senior living in Novi, MI, will provide a level of healthcare that can only be achieved through full-time care. Fairmont Senior Living of Farmington Hills has a team of healthcare professionals that can provide the best services, such as those laid out below.

Keeping Active

A key issue as we age is a lack of activity. Sitting around can lead to the stiffening of joints, tension in muscles, and other issues. By investing in senior living near Novi, MI, those issues can be more carefully managed.

A variety of activities, plus a few treadmills and exercise bikes, are provided to ensure that your senior loved one stays active. Simply getting up and moving can do wonders for their health.

Nutrition Planning

Senior living near Novi, MI, isn’t just the same standardized care for everyone. Each resident has a customized plan, including mapping out the necessary nutrition. With a full menu of delicious meals available, seniors can stay on track.

Even better, meals are prepared in-house. There is no need to invest time and energy into preparing every meal when they can be delivered or laid out in the cafeteria. These might seem like little things but can add up quickly.

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