The ancient art for foot massage originated in China and was also used by ancient Egyptians. Today it is known as reflexology. Energy runs through your body in channels called meridians. When your feet are massaged those energy channels are stimulated which promotes relaxation and healing. Did you know that every part of your foot corresponds with different areas on your body? Depending on which part of your body is not well, massaging a certain part of your foot that corresponds with that body part is equivalent to actually receiving a full body massage. This is why reflexology is perfect for people that want to reduce stress as well as pain. Seek reflexology treatment in Whitby ON to start feeling better the natural way.
Reduce Your Stress with Reflexology
Nearly everybody suffers from stress. One of the most beneficial effects of reflexology is the reduction of stress. The actual techniques of reflexology include what is called finger or thumb walking. Your reflexologist will walk a finger or thumb over various areas of your feet and a specific sequence and massage. Kneading of your foot will use the whole hand and it is a gentle yet firm experience that does not cause any pain or discomfort. People of all ages and genders can benefit from reflexology and generally feel peaceful and deeply relaxed after treatment.
Blockages Inhibit Life Enhancing Energy
Blockages within meridians, also known as energy channels, can cause illness. After all a blockage can inhibit the flow of your chi also known as life enhancing energy. A well-trained reflexologist will be able to massage your feet and stimulate your body when it comes to self-healing. The actual massage itself was designed to restore the balance between body functions and systems. When this type of restoration happens, your body’s harmony is then restored.