Septic Services In Guysville OH Can Keep Your Septic Tank From Backing Up Into Your Home

by | May 31, 2022 | Articles

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Many homes that have septic tanks never think about having them inspected. Many homes don’t think about having the tank emptied until it backs up into the bathroom. However, the tank should be inspected and emptied on regular schedule depending on the size of the tank and how many people live in the home. The best septic services in Guysville OH can establish a schedule for your home.

The operation of a septic system is not a complex process. Waste water from the home empties into the tank and the heaviest matter in the waste sinks to the bottom of the tank. This is called sludge. The top of the tank is where the more liquid material settles and it is known as the scum layer. In between these two layers is a clear liquid known as effluent. These three layers are called septage.

Each septic system has a drain field where the effluent empties into and then it seeps into the ground through a layer of rocks and sand. The sludge and scum should be pumped out on a regularly scheduled basis. The sludge should be pumped out by septic services before the sludge reaches six inches below the outlet into the drain field.

Some companies sell products that can be added to the tank which purportedly will eat the sludge. Most experts believe these products are a waste of money. The only sure way is to have septic services in Guysville OH keep the tank working effectively by emptying it regularly before it backs up into the house.

Septic tank overflow can also lead to a sudden surge of unprocessed waste flowing into the drain field causing water to seep above ground. This leads to a run-off into nearby creeks and rivers. It can seep below ground and cause the tainting of groundwater. These deposits of waste can contaminate the water that is used and consumed by people. The EPA says that waste which ends up in the water supply can carry harmful bacteria and diseases like hepatitis.

A commercial septic tank company will pump out the sludge and take it to a company which has built a processing plant to treat sludge and break it down for proper disposal. Often these companies also process municipal sewage.

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