Save Money on Your Divorce By Hiring a Divorce Attorney in Poulsbo WA

by | Apr 7, 2015 | Articles

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Divorce is often unnecessarily expensive. When two adults who once loved each other can’t get along long enough to agree how to divide their assets and who will get custody of the couple’s minor children, ending the marriage is going to cost a lot of money. There’s even more to consider than attorney’s fees if you can’t reach a reasonable agreement with your spouse. If you have to sell the family home or some of your stock portfolio in order for each of you to get your fair share, you’ll also face a large capital gains tax bill. By talking to a skilled Divorce Attorney in Poulsbo WA, you might come to understand the value of working with your spouse to divide your assets and save some money.

The money that you spend on a divorce is money that you will not have to start your new life or take care of your children. It is important to reduce expenses as much as possible during this time, not fight over who will get the wedding gifts, household furniture, or which holidays each parent gets to spend with the children. Of course, it won’t be advantageous to you to give your spouse everything just to save a few dollars on legal fees. One of the duties of your Divorce Attorney in Poulsbo WA is to protect your rights by ensuring your marital property is divided equitably.

During the divorce process, each spouse will have their own attorney. If you are unable to sit in the same room with your spouse without conflict, you may still be able to reach mutual agreements through your lawyers. A mediator may also be helpful on custody issues to avoid having to get the courts involved with matters related to your children. The more you are able to resolve without the involvement of a judge, the less you’ll have to spend on legal fees. If you have complicated assets, such as a business or a large investment portfolio, your attorney may such getting an accountant involved to help you evaluate and divide your assets in a way that reduces your tax burden.

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