Reasons Why You May Need Tree Removal Service In Oshkosh WI

by | Nov 11, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

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Diseased and damaged trees on your property are not only unhealthy but they can become hazardous. Trees can have poor health due to trauma, insect infestation and diseases. If a tree cannot be saved, it’s best to have the tree removed from your property. Below you’ll learn the most common reasons why you may need to hire a company that specializes in Tree Removal Service in Oshkosh WI.

Trees that suffer trauma often eventually die and when this happens, they should be removed. Trauma can occur due to a lightning strike, woodpecker damage, or from bark injury from a lawn mower. It’s especially dangerous if the tree is close to your house because limbs can fall and puncture your roof. Large limbs falling from a tree can cause expensive property damage or injuries to people and pets.

It’s not uncommon for pests to infest and kill trees in your yard. Common tree pests include mites, borers, Japanese beetles and scale insects. Some pests, such as scale insects and beetles, attack the leaves of trees and cause them to become discolored. Borers live and lay eggs underneath the tree bark and can cause the tree to become distressed. A healthy tree can quickly wither away with the assault of thousands of insects.

When trees become diseased due to a fungal scab disease, they can quickly lose all of their leaves during the middle of summer. Another type of fungal disease, called diplodia, attacks pine trees and causes their needles to turn brown. If a fungicide treatment isn’t used to eradicate the fungus, the tree will soon wither and die. If your tree has a manganese and iron deficiency, it can develop chlorosis. This causes health issues in the tree and the leaves become pale because of the lack of chlorophyll production.

If any of the trees in your yard need to be removed, contact an experienced company for Tree Removal Service in Oshkosh WI before your tree causes any damage. Jack’s Lawn and Landscape Inc. specializes in landscaping services and tree care. Check them out on Google+ for more lawn care and landscaping tips and information. Or you can watch more videos on Youtube for more information.

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