Reasons to Hire a Pro for Honey Bee Extermination in Pittsburgh

by | Sep 5, 2018 | Home and Garden

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Honey bees play a very important role within the agricultural industry, pollinating as much as 70% of modern food crops. However, when they begin buzzing around residential properties, they can seem like more of a nuisance than a help. Read on to find out why it’s always best to hire a professional for Honey Bee Extermination in Pittsburgh.

The possibility of Humane Removal

Bee control experts have the experience and equipment required to offer alternative treatments such as swarm removal and relocation, allowing honey bees to be transplanted to areas where they will be helpful instead of harmful. Of course, there are some circumstances under which property owners will have little choice but to have these swarms eradicated. Even when this is the case, though, it’s best to consult a bee control professional regarding appropriate extermination techniques.

Avoiding Serious Injuries

Many Americans are allergic to bees, and not all of them are aware of their allergies. If anyone in the household is uncertain as to whether he or she may have an allergy to bee stings, it’s certainly not worth risking a DIY attempt at removal. Even those who aren’t especially allergic to bees can find themselves in the hospital dealing with painful reactions if they receive multiple stings.

Avoiding Chemical Exposure

Bee control products often contain powerful chemical insecticides. These should always be handled with exceptional care and should be applied appropriately so that they will not pose a threat to the health of any human inhabitants and the environment, more generally.

Appropriate Follow-Up

Most professionals offering Honey Bee Extermination in Pittsburgh don’t just remove the current swarm. They also take preventative measures toward avoiding future issues. These can save property owners a good deal of time and trouble should any bees left after the extermination has been performed decide to re-establish a colony nearby.

Take Action Now

Readers who have been noticing honey bee swarms around their properties should call a professional as quickly as possible to avoid painful stings. Thankfully, The-Beeman can help. Readers can click here to learn more about bee, wasp, and insect extermination practices and more or can call for answers to any questions they may have today.

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