Questions About Vinyl Siding Damage And Residential Siding Repair Service In Fort Collins CO

by | Apr 8, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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When the vinyl siding on your house is damaged, not only does it compromise the appearance of your home, but it can ruin the wooden structure underneath. Before the damaged siding causes more home repairs, contact an experienced company that specializes in Residential Siding Repair Service in Fort Collins CO.

Q.) What can cause the vinyl siding on a house to become damaged?

A.) When mowing your yard, flying debris, such as rocks, can hit your house and puncture the siding. Limbs can fall off trees that grow close to your house and crack the siding. If the vinyl siding on your home wasn’t installed by an experienced company, it can easily be blown off your house during high winds and storms.

Q.) How can faulty vinyl siding cause damage to the structure of the house?

A.) Once your vinyl siding becomes cracked or broken, water will get inside of the openings and rot the wood structure underneath the vinyl. Once water gets underneath the vinyl, it can’t escape and the constant moisture on the wood will cause it to decay. As the moisture soaks into the wood, mold will begin to grow and spread underneath your vinyl siding.

Q.) What are preventative measures to follow to keep vinyl siding from becoming damaged?

A.) Inspect your lawn for debris and rocks before mowing your grass. Objects thrown by the lawn mower can puncture the vinyl siding on your house. When using the weed trimmer around the perimeter of your house, keep the moving parts from hitting the siding. Trim back branches of trees that are close to your house. Falling limbs can also cause cracks and holes in your siding. As soon as you notice any damage to your vinyl siding, contact a Residential Siding Repair Service in Fort Collins CO to replace the damaged pieces.

Total Remodel Contractor is an experienced company that specializes in custom roofing, siding and gutter installation and repair. They also offer interior and exterior painting to improve or update your home. Visit their website at  to learn more information about the company and to request an estimate for their services.

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