Professional Service for Teeth Whitening in Puyallup WA Rejuvenates a Person’s Appearance

by | Feb 1, 2019 | Articles

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The results of professional Teeth Whitening in Puyallup WA can be expected to last for at least a year or two, but this depends on various factors. For instance, results will last longer if the patient avoids enamel-staining substances like tobacco, coffee and red wine. The longevity of the results also depends on the level of improvement the patient experienced and the type of whitening process that was used.

A Rejuvenated Smile

Professional Teeth Whitening in Puyallup WA is intended to give the patient a brighter and rejuvenated smile. The solutions are stronger than what can be purchased over the counter, making this process especially useful for men and women who have significant discoloration. Some discoloration is natural simply due to age, but years of consuming staining substances can cause noticeable changes from the enamel’s original light whiteness.

Some individuals only need a relatively minor touchup to get their teeth pearly white again. Others have more problematic yellowing. Either way, the patients might have one professional treatment session at the clinic and then continue the process at home. The dentist provides the necessary materials.

This cosmetic treatment, offered by clinics such as such as Meridian South Family Dentistry, dramatically improves a person’s appearance when teeth have become noticeably discolored over the years. Different kinds of processes are offered and can be explained by the dentist at the checkup and routine cleaning that is required before whitening begins.

The Most Common Process

The most common process involves the dentist or hygienist applying a gel containing a specific concentration of hydrogen peroxide to the teeth. The gel penetrates the enamel and bleaches away stains on and underneath the surface. Patients usually have one or two whitening sessions at the clinic. Afterward, they continue the process with customized trays that are designed to fit their teeth. This provides whitening gel evenly to all areas of the teeth, which is difficult to accomplish with over-the-counter products.

Whitening has become a very popular way for people to remarkably improve their appearance without any invasive procedures. The process does require some time and effort, but dental patients report that the results are well worth it.

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