Professional Help For Ending Drug Dependency Once and For All

by | May 4, 2015 | Drug Rehabilitation

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There are a variety of life situations which can lead to the dependency on drug use. Whether over the counter, prescription, or illegal drugs, simply quitting can be much more complicated than just ceasing use. Pasadena drug detox centers provide the medical personnel and treatment services which are most often required for successfully ridding the body of toxins, the desire to cope with drugs or alcohol, and the ability to maintain long term sobriety.

Why Counseling is Required for the Treatment of Drug Addiction

Addiction to drugs can result from both a physical and psychological dependence. This means although you’ve completed drug detox and no longer physically rely on a substance, the craving will still remain psychologically, and the risk of relapse during physical detoxification is significantly higher and also dangerous without professional treatment. Even after completing a rehabilitation program, the social and psychological factors of the underlying cause of the addiction may still be present. Learning how to successfully cope with and navigate through problem areas is the key to remaining drug free.

Factors Leading to Drug Abuse and Relapse

Environmental factors such as family issues, relationship stresses or even visiting familiar areas can trigger the desire to resume old habits. Anything which reminds you of the conditions which lead you into drug abuse can cause a response in you making you want to begin using again. Emotional issues such as loss, job stress or any other type of anxiety can also lead to return to old and familiar behavioral patterns inevitably leading towards a resumed drug use. You may believe it won’t hurt to do it once in a while, but this is a common pitfall which keeps people in the cycle of abuse.

Individual Treatment Plans

Reputable Pasadena drug detox centers will provide individual treatment plans which address the circumstances and behaviors leading to and stemming from drug abuse. Understanding the underlying causes of your addiction, along with the circumstances which make you the most vulnerable to resuming your old behaviors, is vital in identifying new habits and behaviors which will help you to cope without drug use and losing your sobriety. If you have other medical or psychological conditions which play a part of the cause for drug use, the identification and treatment of them is an important step in helping you to maintain a life which is not dependent upon potentially harmful drug use.

Inpatient Treatment vs. Outpatient Treatment Programs

Inpatient treatment is a successful strategy which is commonly used by drug detox centers seeking to provide a safe place for clients to detox and remove themselves from environments which may foster continued drug use. ASAP Rehab provides the necessary medically supervised drug detox and personalized addiction treatment programs to help their residents win the battle against addiction. Caring and compassionate staff provide support and guidance throughout the entire treatment process. For more information on how they can help you along your journey to achieving long term sobriety, don’t hesitate to get in contact with them and set up a tour of the facility if you are near the Pasadena area. The difference between winning and losing the war on addiction may just simply be asking for a little help.

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