Preparatory Tips for Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery

by | Oct 24, 2016 | Health Care, Surgery

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Mini gastric bypass surgery is a short-timed surgery ( 20-25 minutes) with long-term weight loss results. The surgery has been found to have low risk as compared to other traditional weight loss surgeries. Here are a few tips to prepare for this surgery.
Clothing Care

After the mini gastric bypass surgery, it is important that the patient carries loose fitted clothes to the hospital. Most patients are discharged from the hospital within two days.
Avoid Smoking

Make sure to quit smoking at least two weeks before the surgery. Ideally, you should quit smoking four weeks before the surgery.In the long run, smoking can cause ulcers in your stomach or food pipe.

Stop blood thinners 5 days before surgery

If you are taking some blood thinners like Asprin, Clopidogril or Warfarin etc.Its advisable to stop these 5 days before surgery to decrease the amount of bleeding during the surgery.

Continue blood pressure medicine

If you are on some blood pressure pills, you should continue taking these.

Continue thyroid medicine

If you are on some thyroid pills, you should continue.Its better to get your fresh thyroid hormone levels done 1 month before the surgery, if possible in your country.

Bring all your medicines with you

You should bring with you, all the medications which you are on.

Bring any available investigations if you have

If you have some recent investigations/reports available, kindly remember to bring these with you.Although we will be doing all the routine investigations again at Kular Bariatrics, as a matter of our protocol.

Alcohol or other addiction

Kindly honestly disclose the exact amount of alcohol or any other addiction if you have.This should be done well in advance.Don’t suddenly stop anything without our advice.
You can come alone

At Kular Hospital, you will get a professional nursing assistance for post-operative help/care.

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