Points to Ponder When Evaluating Different Wedding Venues in Ohatchee AL

by | Feb 2, 2021 | Wedding planning service

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Proposing marriage and setting the date is only the beginning of the preparations. There is also the need to think about where to hold the wedding ceremony and the reception. This will mean spending some time comparing the merits of different kinds of Wedding Venues in Ohatchee AL. Here are some points to keep in mind when determining what each of those venues has to offer.


One of the first points to consider with any of those Wedding Venues in Ohatchee AL is how many people can fit into the space. This is true even if the plan is to use an outdoor location for the ceremony. Consider how many people will be invited and how many are likely to attend. Always allow a little extra room just in case more people accept than originally projected. Unless the venue is large enough to allow everyone to be comfortably seated, then it pays to keep looking for a suitable location.


For any indoor venue, always pay close attention to the lighting in the space. Even if the plan is to have an afternoon wedding, it pays to make sure the overhead lighting can be used to set the right mood. Ask about things like dimming switches, electrical outlets for using other forms of lighting in the space, and make sure the ask for a quick demonstration. Doing so will make it easier to decide if the space can be transformed into exactly what the couple has in mind.


Always look closely at the amount of parking space available at or near those Wedding Venues in Ohatchee AL. Ideally, the parking should be adjacent to the facility, so guests do not have to walk several blocks in order to get to the wedding. If the amount of parking space is limited, find out if there is a parking deck nearby and consider hiring a shuttle service to transport guests to and fro the event.

For help with choosing a venue and all other aspects of the wedding and reception planning, contact the team at Otter Creek Farmstead today. After meeting with a planner and going over the specifics, it will be easier to know that all the arrangements will be made and nothing will be left to chance. For more information visit us.

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