PDO Threads: The What, Why, and How of Beauty’s Latest Craz

by | Sep 14, 2022 | Biotechnology Company

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If you’re into the world of beauty, you’re probably already familiar with polydioxanone threads or PDO threads. They’re a revolutionary treatment for a variety of skin issues, and they’re also gaining popularity as a cosmetic procedure that can function as a minimally invasive face lift.

Is PDO right for you? Can you benefit from it? What do you need to know before signing up? Consider this your quick guide to PDO and how it can change your life.

The Science

PDO is essentially a thin strand of biodegradable synthetic polymer. It works by triggering your body’s immune response. Sensing a “foreign invader” in your skin, your immune system improves blood flow to the area with the PDO, prompting the promotion of new collagen. As you might be aware, collagen is what you need for healthy and young-looking skin.

The Process

PDO is a quick and simple procedure that doesn’t require you to go “under the knife.” This is why it’s used to administer minimally invasive face lifts. Recovery time is minimal, and minimal to no risk of scarring. All of these benefits are why PDO is gaining popularity among beauty gurus.

The Demographic

PDO is given to people from all walks of life, including both men and women. It can be used to treat sagging skin, wrinkles, fine lines, and more. Some folks even use it in conjunction with other face lift procedures for more dramatic results!

If you’re considering PDO threads, these are just a few things that you should know before signing on the dotted line. For more information, contact MINT PDO Thread. For more information follow them on Facebook.

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