Out of Work Because of an Illness? Hire a Social Security Disability Attorney in Knoxville

by | Aug 13, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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When a person is unable to work in the United States, he has few places to turn for help. If he is unable to work because of an illness or accident, he is expected to live off of his savings for the first 12 months. After that time, he can apply for Social Security Disability benefits. People who have worked and contributed to the system for decades are often shocked when their application is denied. This is the case for many people. Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney in Knoxville increases the chances that their application will be accepted.

The attorney understands how the Social Security Administration reviews applications. It is not enough for a person to prove they are sick or injured because many people can still work with an injury or illness. The person has to show how their injury or illness prevents them from working. The Social Security Administration has made a list of the common illnesses and injuries that they review. It’s called the Social Security Listing of Impairments. Because it has a blue cover, it’s also known as the Blue Book. For each impairment, it lists the symptoms that keep people from working. If a person has one of these illnesses and meets the criteria, then they are automatically approved for disability benefits.

The Social Security Disability Attorney in Knoxville is familiar with this listing and will ensure that his client’s condition is described in accordance with it. This can be difficult, because the listing hasn’t been updated in quite a few years. The lawyer will have to scour the listing and find a disease that has similar criteria to the symptoms his client has. This is known as the Equivalency Test. He may also have to have an occupational therapist examine his patient to verify the symptoms.

Disabled people who are confused by the process and need help can look at more info at Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC website. The lawyers there are happy to meet with them and explain the application process and how they can help.

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