Myths for Getting Rid of that Skunk Smell Dispelled

by | Nov 10, 2015 | Business

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Skunk, just the word is enough to make people cringe. Seeing a skunk instantly brings up images of tomato baths and smells that will make a grown man gag. If you have a skunk living under your deck or in your garage, then you will want to call the professionals for skunk removal in Highland Park. You should not try to remove the skunk yourself. However, if you end up suffering from skunk fumes here are some myths for getting rid of that skunk smell you will want to know when you are looking for a way to dispel the smell.

The Tomato Juice Myth

This one has been around for many years. It has always been said that you can wash in a tomato bath and get rid of that awful skunk smell. What truly happens according to experts, is that the tomato juice overpowers the smell of the skunk and tricks the person in the bath into thinking the smell has been neutralized. If a new person comes onto the scene however, they will be able to smell the skunk smell clearly and remind the sprayed person that they indeed should have called in the professionals for skunk removal in Highland Park area. There are a few retail products on the market that are said to work well. These contain chemicals that will get rid of the skunk smell on pets and can be bought in many pet stores.

Skunk Smells in the Home

When a skunk sprays your home, despair sets in because it seems like you will never, ever have your home smelling fresh and clean again. It is said that if you boil vinegar in a pan, it will overpower the smell and eventually neutralize it, as well. Of course your home will now smell like vinegar, but once the smell dissipates the skunk odor will be gone. Making sure to work quickly to remove the smell from humans, animals, and homes is your best bet for getting the complete smell out. Being sprayed by a skunk is no fun, so your best bet is to call in the professionals to ensure the skunk is removed from your property safely and efficiently.

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