Myths And Stem Cell Therapy In Miami FL Patients Need To Know

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Health Care

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While stem cell therapy in Miami FL is not new to researchers and doctors specializing in orthopedics, it is a relatively new therapy for many patients. As with anything new, there is often misinformation and misunderstanding that occur and are often shared online or through social media.

Several of these myths are harmful to providing clear insight and understanding into the benefits of this option for the treatment of joint problems and associated pain issues. While around the world stem cell therapy is used in a wide range of patient treatment options, in the United States the focus is in the area of orthopedics.

To help patients to understand the truth behind this potentially life-changing therapy, a closer look at the truth and exposing the myth can be an important starting point.

Myth: All Therapy Uses Embryonic Stem Cells

Most clinics offering stem cell therapy in Miami FL for the treatment of joint injury, trauma or degeneration do not use embryonic stem cells. Instead, they use umbilical cord stem cells harvested at the time a baby is born. These stem cells can be collected, with the mother’s consent, by a specially trained nurse. There is no pain or inconvenience involved for the mother or the child.

Myth: Adult Stem Cells Are Just As Effective

Adult stem cells can be collected from either bone marrow or through adipose (fatty) tissue, which can be a painful process. The stem cells are not in high concentrations in these tissues, which makes the collection more challenging.

It is also important to understand that stem cells are not the same at all stages of life. By using umbilical cord cells, these are the youngest possible cells to harvest offering better rates of differentiation and response in the body.

It is important for any patient considering stem cell therapy in Miami FL to talk to his or her doctor. Make a list of questions or areas of concern and talk to your physician to get the correct information to make an informed decision on your treatment options. For more information visit Karli Center.

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