Many Steps to Climb When the Elevator’s not Working

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

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When you stop for a minute and look around the cities of Alexandria, Arlington and Washington, D.C., do you ever think about who installed the elevators in the buildings? Most people don’t. They just take the bus into work, walk up the street, get on the elevator that quietly and quickly takes them up to their floor. Most times, anyway. What happens when the elevator breaks down or gets stuck in between floors? Who calls for help and what company works 24/7 every day of the year to come and fix it? If you’re building a new office building or you want an elevator in your parent’s home, you need to know which company to call.

Log on to the website and learn about a company that works during emergencies. They also repair and install Traction Elevators in Arlington VA. They install elevators in homes and businesses all throughout the D.C. area. When a new elevator system is installed in new buildings or they replace the old hydraulic elevator with one of the new and more energy efficient traction elevators, the company also services them. They maintain them throughout the year to make sure they’re working properly and safely. They realize that the safety of clients, customers and employees getting on and off an elevator in the building is of utmost importance.

Back in the sixties, there would be people who helped people on and off the elevator that took them to their specific floor in the buildings. There also used to be people who manned the doors entering the building, but that is just about unheard of in this modern age. Today, people are rushing to and from their destination and hop on an elevator expecting it to work properly. There is actually no thought given that it won’t get them to their desired floor. They do not realize that behind the precision, fine tuned, silent elevator is a company that utilizes the most advanced technology when installing one of the Traction Elevators in Arlington VA.

Traction elevators don’t have to use oil like the hydraulic elevators that were installed just twenty years ago With the advent of modern times, elevators have gone through a change, too. They are also being installed in homes more often than one imagines. The next time you enter an elevator, think about the fine company that installed it.

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