Learning About Residential Bio heating Fuel From New York Suppliers

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Fuel

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Bio heating fuel in New York is a combination of standard heating oil with significantly low sulfur content and another fuel made from plants, plant oils and tallow. Both of these are diesel products. Households that already heat with oil or might be interested in converting may want to learn more.

About Heating Oil

Many people, even those with an oil furnace, don’t realize that heating oil is the same product as diesel used in vehicles. The only difference is the red dye added to distinguish it from automotive fuel, which is heavily taxed. Those taxes help pay for road maintenance, repair and construction.

Using fuel with red dye in vehicles is illegal except for those rarely or never driven on roads. Heavy farm and construction equipment are examples.

Important Considerations

The recycled and organic components of bio heating fuel in New York also are known as biodiesel. Whether or not biodiesel should be used in vehicles is a complex topic. For instance, it is safe for older models but can cause problems in newer cars. As with heating fuel, biodiesel at station pumps is combined with regular diesel.

The Advantages of Bioheat

Because this combination fuel produces lower levels of carbon emissions and contains recycled materials, it is more environmentally friendly than regular diesel. The substance also is easier on furnace equipment because it burns cleaner. The system should have a longer lifespan, maintain better efficiency over time, and need fewer repairs.

Anyone interested in this product may learn more at https://cohlerfuel.com.

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