Learn More About Teeth Whitening and Cosmetic Dentistry in Panama City Beach, FL

by | Apr 29, 2015 | Dentistry

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Healthy teeth typically create a beautiful smile. When teeth are cared for, it shows in the way a person smiles. Unfortunately, there is one issue that can mar a person’s smile even if they brush and floss as often as they should. Teeth stains coming from tobacco, coffee, red wine, and certain foods can make a smile look less attractive. With Cosmetic Dentistry in Panama City Beach FL, these issues can be eradicated so a smile is beautiful again.

The color of a person’s teeth changes over their lifetime. Even adult teeth become darker than baby teeth once they erupt through the gums. As a person ages, their teeth become more porous, allowing the foods and beverages they consume to cause staining. Dark, stained teeth can often make a person look older and less vibrant. An increasingly popular option is to counter these stains with teeth whitening treatments, taking the teeth up to ten shades lighter for a gorgeous smile.

A teeth whitening treatment can remove years of staining through the special ingredient of hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide used in the dental office is many times stronger than the brown bottle most people have in their medicine cabinets at home.
Hydrogen peroxide mixes with oxygen and begins to bubble up on the teeth. This allows the whitener to penetrate beyond the enamel and into the dentin, which is the layer that often holds onto stains. At-home whitening kits never reach this layer, which is why they only offer lackluster results at best.

Each treatment can last up to an hour and is performed on a specific schedule to get the best results. Though it may take more than one treatment, many types of stains can be removed successfully. Cosmetic Dentistry in Panama City Beach FL, seeks to beautify the smile so a person gains confidence in their appearance.

Learning more about these cosmetic dental treatments can allow a person to make a wise choice when it comes to their needs. For more information, click to investigate, Visit website domain and learn about the many services they offer. With teeth whitening, your smile can be fully transformed.

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