Learn About Body Contouring In Naperville And What It Can Do For You

by | Apr 30, 2015 | Cosmetology

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Most people are unfamiliar with the process of body contouring in Naperville. It can sometimes seem too good to be true because it can be used many different ways. There are many procedures that can be considered and it is not a simple, one-size-fits-all method. Typical procedures include thigh lifts, tummy tucks, breast lift, arm lift, facelift and buttock augmentation.

Thigh Lift

Many women and men find that as they age, their thighs look like cottage cheese. They may be lumpy, bumpy or may jiggle when you walk, which is never pretty. Whether you are getting older and your skin is less elastic, or you have lost a lot of weight, you may find a thigh lift is beneficial. It will typically remove fat and skin from your thighs, which will ultimately contour your legs and tighten skin.

Tummy Tuck

Most people, women especially, find that losing weight or staying trim isn’t enough to combat a bulging tummy. Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that can firm up and thin the abdomen. Your surgeon will likely prefer you to be at a healthy weight first, but with a few troublesome areas, such as the stomach or love handles. They can then remove fat and skin from the area to help tighten the muscle.

Breast Lift

Women typically find that as they age, their breasts sag. Whether you were overweight, have naturally large breasts or breastfed your children, you likely have sagging breasts or sagging nipples. This is a natural phenomenon, but can make some women feel unappealing or embarrassed. Surgery can alter the shape of the breasts, create a well-rounded breast or even place the nipples into their proper position.


Brachioplasty, or arm lifts, are popular among men and women. Some people have difficulty gaining muscle in their upper arms, making them look flabby, even if you are at a healthy weight. This surgery can remove sagging skin, tighten and smooth the tissue of the upper arm and reduce fat pockets within the arm to give you slender-looking arms.

Buttock Augmentation

Most women are unhappy with their backsides and wish they could have rounder or fuller buttocks. The body contouring procedure in Naperville can augment the backside, providing more balance to the figure and help your self-confidence by increasing the size, projection or roundness of the buttocks.

Body contouring procedures in Naperville are becoming increasingly popular to help achieve the look people want. Visit the Center for Cosmetic & Laser Surgery today to learn more.

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