Keeping The Green On The Greens

by | Jul 15, 2015 | Business

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How would you feel if you went to your favorite golf course one day and saw that all of the water traps were covered in a thick sludge of algae? Yeah, it wouldn’t look too pleasant, and it would stick out like a sore thumb. You also probably wouldn’t want to have to step in to that trying to find a ball that landed near the edge. Well, there are pond algae control solutions designed exactly for combating that kind of problem. A knowledgeable groundskeeper will be able to employ the all-natural remedies to keep their courses looking beautiful year round.

Taking The Fight To The Scum

That pond scum may look like just a horrible film of green mold sitting on top of your water, but it’s a living and breathing thing. It will eat, consume and even migrate. You’re going to want to take the fight to it, and you can do that by using control products that attack it on a cellular level. By applying these products that use bacteria and enzymes that strike the algae at its heart, you can start the process of slowly destroying it. It may take some time to start seeing any apparent changes, but as soon as you begin to use these types of products you can rest assured that they begin working immediately. It may take longer or shorter depending on how much needs to be rescued, but in no more than 30 days the changes should become very apparent.

Nature’s Watering Hole

Yes, these water traps were designed for use with the golf course, but there is plenty of wildlife that you may not even know about that use your ponds to drink. These solutions were designed with animals and eco-systems in mind. They are completely safe for the environment and the wildlife in your area, and in fact by using these remedies to clean their water sources the wildlife may become more visible even during daylight hours. In truth, if the animals won’t even come to your ponds, then you can be certain you have a serious problem on your hands.

Don’t wait for your ponds to become overgrown with algae to start looking for a way to deal with it. If you begin to see signs of it, then get ahead of the problems by conditioning with all-natural remedies. Pond scum is aggressive, and it will expand to other areas over time so don’t wait.

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