Keep Away Mosquitoes With Roofing Contractors in Bremerton Wa

by | Feb 16, 2017 | Articles

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The deadliest animal in the world is not a big predator like a shark or a tiger. It is the humble mosquito. The World Health Organization estimates that one million people die every year from the diseases transmitted by mosquito bites. There are many things home and business owners can do to reduce mosquito breeding places on their properties. One of the best things that can be done is to hire roofing contractors in Bremerton Wa and elsewhere to clean gutters and check for damaged roofs.

The Dangers of Standing Water

Mosquitoes need a pool of still water or water without a strong current to lay their eggs. A pool or pond of still water provides a protective environment and food for hungry mosquito larvae. Clogged gutters provide a perfect place for mosquito eggs. The debris is rarely smooth enough for rainwater or dew to roll off. Debris provides plenty of nooks and crannies for water to collect and pool. Damaged roof shingles also provide depressions where water collects. Clean gutters in the beginning of spring to avoid making homes for mosquito eggs.

Check Hardscapes and Landscapes

During mosquito season, homeowners should regularly check their properties for standing water. Dump water from bird baths every night. Empty any water standing in the knotholes of trees. Check fixtures like decks, walls, barbeque grills and outdoor fire pits for pools of water. Pick up containers or trash that can accidentally create a small pool of water. If there are any woodpiles, motorcycles or other objects covered by tarpaulins, shake it out regularly to reduce water build-up.

Get Damaged Roofs Fixed

Roofs should be inspected at least once a year for many reasons but also to make sure pools of water do not form. Flat roofs are far more prone to this than slanted ones, but slanted roofs still need professional inspection by roofing contractors in Bremerton Wa and elsewhere. Any cracks, pits or dings can cause water to pool. A small repair now saves a lot of money in the long run since pooling water also causes wood or other roofing materials to rot.

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