Issues to Consider with Child Custody in Concord NC

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Lawyers

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When a couple decides that divorce is the only practical solution, it is important to make sure that the children are provided with a stable and loving home. This will mean making some specific decisions in regard to Child Custody in Concord NC. Here are a few examples of decisions that the parents must make in order to ensure the children have everything they need.

Custodial and Non-Custodial Status – As part of the custody arrangement, one party will serve as the custodial parent. That parent will provide the permanent home for the children, and be responsible for making most of the day to day decisions about their care. The parent who does not provide the permanent home is designated the non-custodial parent. There is more than one form of Child Custody in Concord NC to consider. Full or sole custody means that the custodial parent retains all legal rights to make medical and other decisions regarding the children. Shared custody will mean that both parents have the legal authority to act on behalf of the kids in medical and other types of situations.

Child Support – The on-custodial parent will provide financial support that helps to ensure the children have what they need in the way of food, clothing, and shelter. That support is typically in the form of a monthly disbursement to the custodial parent, and maintaining health insurance for the children. The non-custodial parent will often maintain a life insurance policy that names the custodial parent as the beneficiary. Should the non-custodial parent pass away, the proceeds will help to continue providing for the children.

Visitation Rights – Since the children have the right to an ongoing relationship with both parents, the non-custodial parent is granted visitation rights. Those rights help to ensure that the parent has the opportunity to spend time with the children on a regular basis. The exact terms of the visitation arrangement will often include periods of time when the kids are allowed to spend several days at a time. For example, the arrangement may call for the kids to be with the non-custodial parent every other weekend, plus on selected holidays throughout the year.

For help with making decisions about child custody, contact the law offices of Seth B. Weinshenker. An arrangement that provides for the kids and meets all state requirements can be drafted and approved without a lot of difficulty.

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