Is the Air Conditioning in Bradenton FL About to Fail?

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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While the climate along the Gulf Coast is comfortable for most of the year, the heat and humidity during the summer months is significant. Before summer arrives, it pays to consider how well the air conditioning in Bradenton FL. By being aware of the signs that something is about to happen, the homeowner can be proactive and have a professional make repairs before the system fails. Here are a few indicators that today is the right time to call for help.

The Unit is Running a Lot

Even though the weather is still mild and the setting on the thermostat is not all that low, the Air conditioning in Bradenton FL seems to run most of the time. Given that the temperature inside is not that different from what is happening outside, this is strong sign that something is not working as it should. Having a professional check the system may lead to the discovery of some minor issue that can be fixed in no time. Along with making sure the unit will cycle on and off during the warmer seasons, taking care of the problem will also help reduce energy consumption and save money on utility costs.

The System is Making New Noises

In the past, the air conditioning barely made any noise at all. Other than the gentle sound of air emerging from the vents, it was difficult to determine if the system was engaged or not. Lately, it is making a thump as it cycles on and off. There is also some rattling while the unit is running. These new and unexpected noises could indicate that one or more parts need replacing. Having the work done now will offset the chances of having the unit fail in the middle of the summer heat.

Even if the system seems to be fine at present, take the time to schedule a full inspection before spring fades out and summer arrives. In the best case scenario, the technician will confirm that the unit is in fine condition. If there is any work that should be done, getting by without air conditioning now will be much easier than attempting to do so after the temperature begins to approach three digits.

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