Hyperhidrosis in Fairfax Country, VA, Can Be Controlled With Medical Help

by | May 5, 2015 | Articles

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Excessive sweating affects a large portion of the population, and it can cause a lot of embarrassment or issues to those to suffer from it. Also known as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating occurs when people sweat unnecessarily from one or more parts of their body. Some cases of extreme Hyperhidrosis in Fairfax County VA, can lead to skin issues or dehydration, depending on where and how frequently the sweating occurs. At the very least, hyperhidrosis can cause social embarrassment as people cannot control their massive amount of sweating during the day. Anyone who thinks they are sweating excessively should see a professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Medical professionals are not exactly sure what causes excessive sweating, but some factors can make it more likely to occur in some individuals than others. Certain medical problems like gout, tumors, or diabetes can lead to excess sweating, as well as some nutritional supplements or medications. Also, hyperhidrosis seems to have a genetic component, as many people who suffer from it also have family members who sweat too much.

Generally, anyone who begins to sweat for seemingly no reason from their hands, armpits, groin, or feet should see a medical professional from website domain for proper hyperhidrosis treatment. Often, those who suffer from hyperhidrosis will find themselves literally dripping with sweat, even in cool or temperate environments. This condition can occur in people of any ethnicity or gender, but most people who develop the issue do so during their childhood or teenage years.

There are several ways that hyperhidrosis symptoms can be managed and reduced, but there is no known cure as of yet. Usually, treatment using especially strong, prescription antiperspirants is effective for those with excessive sweating, especially if the issue occurs on the hands, feet, or armpits. Sometimes, these antiperspirants will be applied at night so that they can work while a person is sleeping. In some cases, Botox injections are used to reduce the response of the nerves that trigger excess sweating. Botox injections are a newer form of treatment for hyperhidrosis and have shown very promising results.

Hyperhidrosis in Fairfax County VA, or excessive sweating, is a very distressing and embarrassing condition that can seriously impact a person’s life. It is not known exactly what causes the condition, but it seems to run in families and occur with certain medication issues. There are several treatments for excess sweating, including Botox injections and very strong antiperspirants. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

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