How to Set a Budget for Your First Student Apartment in Knoxville

by | Nov 12, 2020 | Student Housing Center

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Before you can start your apartment search, you need to know how much you can realistically afford to spend on rent and other expenses associated with an apartment. A general rule of thumb is not to spend more than 30 percent of your income on costs associated with housing.

You may be wondering how you can determine your budget to know how much you can spend on student housing in Knoxville. Start by totaling your monthly expenses. You will need to include things like food and cell phone service. You will also need to make a rough estimate of how much you will have to spend on utilities and transportation. There are some online tools available that can help you work out a household budget.

It is also important to set aside money in a savings account. When determining how much to put in your savings account, the first thing you need to save is an emergency fund. This will help you if you lose your job, get sick, or experience another unexpected situation. You will be able to use that money to purchase groceries, pay your rent, and do other things as opposed to using your credit card.

You know that money for student housing in Knoxville, utilities, car insurance, healthcare, and food come first. You also need some money that you can spend on vacations and entertainment.

Learn about the student housing offered at Redpoint Knoxville that includes a fitness center, volleyball, a swimming pool, and a hot tub by visiting the following their website today.

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